How to automatically activate mobile hotspot (iPhone)
iPhone users can utilize the Shortcuts feature to automatically enable the hotspot when entering a vehicle. The automation setup for configuring the smartphone's hotspot based on vehicle entry/exit is as follows
※ This feature is available after the iOS 17 update.
Turn on the hotspot of the smartphone when boarding the vehicle (iPhone)
① Open the Shortcuts app, then select Automation at the bottom → New Automation
② Scroll down and choose Bluetooth
③ Select your vehicle from the list of devices → Check Is Connected, Run Immediately → Next → New Blank Automation
④ Add Action → Search for Hotspot and select Set Personal Hotspot
⑤ Set the Personal Hotspot to [On] and then click Done
You can automatically deactivate the hotspot when getting off the vehicle by changing the contents of ③ and ⑤ as shown in the picture below.
Is Disconnected → Set Personal Hotspot to of